Monday, March 5, 2012

A new Nägeli / un nuevo imagen de Nägeli

Everybody is speeking about Banski. But why noboddy speeks about Nägeli? That is the real hero of street Art. He was the first one who dared to bring his art into public space,on ugly beton walls in Zürich. Later he had to leave his town and his country because he would be ruined there because of state compensation requirements. He fled to Germany. Now he lives here as an old man, unknown, though the newspapers were full of his name in the 70s and 80s. Anyhow, I found a new spray of him during my excursion in the old harbour of Düsseldorf. He has such a special, fluid sty, that you will always recognise a true Nägeli. Now he obviously shoes himself -ironicly- as an old man, with a walkingstick in his hand but still full of desire..
To see and understand more about Harald Naegeli, here you can see more of his pictures:
Naegeli, descubierta las pinturas rupestres y tradujo el genio de la Edad de Piedra a la moderna.
Naegeli, uses some kind of cave paintings and translated the genius of the Stone Age into modern art.

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