Friday, November 7, 2008

Today outside / fuera de hoy

Para los amigos/amigas en america latina trato de esrcribir tambien en espangol. Gracias per los comentarios!!! En Allemana il invierno comienca, pero per il momento no est nevando. Aisi esta se puede ver de las ventanas de mi officina..

Here is no real winter like poor Anni has already, with snow and cold. In daytime it is really nice, still indian summer. But at night the cold winter crowls into town like a hidden guerilla, the night is his. And in the morning it is hard to stand up, while everything is still dark outside.

1 comment:

Lady of the Lake said...

Thank You for a whole bunch of lovely and warm blogposts - we need them up here! :-) The snow is gone for the moment, but it's raining instead and the november darkness does not do any miracles for the mind. Your beautiful pictures DO! Thank's for sharing, H!